Jacek Jerzemowski
Legal Advisor
He completed his legal internship at the Regional Chamber of Legal Advisors in Gdansk in 2006. As a graduate of the Post-Graduate College of Accountancy and Finances at the Faculty of Management of Gdansk University, he specializes in the civil law, commercial law and administrative law.
In the years of 2001 – 2010 he was affiliated with one of the most outstanding law firms in Poland (in 2006 he became its associate).
Jacek Jerzemowski renders legal services to many corporate entities of both domestic and international ambit operating in various branches. He supervised numerous projects juridically, including, among others, the process of re-allocation of assets owned by a railway company (the estimate value of the project was up to PLN 100 million), a project referring to the purchase of a handling terminal (the estimate value of the project is PLN 70 million). He also assisted one of the Spanish financial institutions in the process of commencing economic activity in Poland (including the preparation of complex internal regulations, draft agreements, by-laws etc.). He is a co-author of a prospectus for a company listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange.
He gained practical experience acting as the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of ATC Cargo SA (a company operating at the NewConnect market), Vice-President of the Supervisory Board of Wilbo SA (a company noted on the Warsaw Stock Exchange), a member of the Supervisory Board of Fota SA (a company noted on the Warsaw Stock Exchange), a liquidator of PolDok2000 Sp. z o. o., or a proxy of Arka Gdynia SSA.